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Writer's picturePaula Johnson

My Journey to Freedom

“Choose to do more than just exist, choose to live” Dr Steve Maraboli

I’m torn to be writing this actually. Because there’s millions of people in the world that don’t have a choice. Their only choice is to exist. To do what they can every day just to try and put food on their table and have a roof over their head (if they’re lucky).

It’s an inside job – to be at peace, to be happy with your lot in life. And of course it ebbs and flows to varying degrees. Mostly.

I’ve been to 3rd world countries and seen first-hand how people HAVE to live. They have NO choice. And it’s heart breaking. Most of the time they are the most generous and happy people I’ve ever met. They have nothing materially, but they have EVERYTHING internally.

In the western world we seem to do it the other way around. Have all the nice things on the outside, but inside we are slowly dying, we are empty…crazy isn’t it?

And so, once again, I’m at a crossroads in life. Part of me is scared shitless, the other part excited as hell. I’ve been here before…I can do it again.

So here I am, my soul drowning in ‘existing’, all the while screaming at me: “There’s more to life than this! Life is for living – go LIVE!”

And I’m lucky, because I have a CHOICE. I can keep existing in my comfortable little bubble that I’ve been in for the past 2 years – good full-time job, comfy house to rent, good food on my table, fabulous friends and some fun from time to time. Or I can say: “No, I need more, there IS more for me and I’m going to go find it”.

It’s ‘Ground-Hog Day’ Monday to Friday. Every day is more or less the same. I’m giving my time and energy to an employer that is really only interested in my productivity. They are not interested in me as an individual. It’s all about profits and keeping everyone in the same controllable box. You’re not allowed out of the box. There’s no room for flexibility or individuality. OMG imagine the chaos that would allow!

So, I’m needing to shake things up again. And for those of you who have been following me all these years and know me well, when I shake things up it’s usually far from the ‘normal’ thing to do (like change jobs or get a new hobby).

So this time I choose to jump off the cliff – AGAIN. I love myself and I value myself enough to say NO – I’m outta here! And I know for some, that’s a crazy, stupid thing to do…I have resigned from my “good, stable, safe” job and I’m going to Bali for 3 months to have an adventure. Again.

This isn’t some 5 minute whim that I’m actioning. I’ve been thinking of this for a L O N G time. Back in 2011 when I was at the end of my 5 month transformation in Bali, I remember standing in a beautiful retreat centre, feeling so full of love and potential, and vowing to myself I wasn’t going back in the “box”. Well, our conditioning and belief systems are tough nuts to crack and that’s exactly where I ended up.

BUT I’m grateful for that. Because I KNOW at my deepest level that the box just isn’t for me. I’ve outgrown it in so many ways and now have to find another way to be in the world, to live and survive…to THRIVE!

“You are outgrowing what has previously worked. You have exhausted one way of doing life. It is a moment for change. It is a moment for reckoning” – Kute Blackson

And so a new journey/chapter begins…forever evolving and changing. That’s why we’re here isn’t it? To grow into the best versions of ourselves…

“Who you are is a gift. By not sharing who you really are with the world, you are robbing them of something they need.”

“Life might give you what you want. Life may never give you what you want. But you can always give life who you are.”

My new ‘Bible’ is Kute Blackson’s “You. Are. The. One”. I get it. I’m doing it. I just hope I keep the strength and courage to continue the journey I’m starting…to TRUST fully, to believe all will be well. And if, in 12 months time I’m back in my box, in a 9-5 job, in my comfortable bubble, at least I can say I gave it a go.

“Stop pretending you’re a light bulb when you are really the sun” – Kute Blackson

Am I scared – hell yes! Am I sure what I’m doing is the right thing for me at this time – yes. Do I trust the Universe that all will be well – yes. I have to, it’s already sent me the perfect person to rent my house while I’m away – BOOM!

“In the fear, in the uncertainty, is the invitation of life” – Kute Blackson

And what if I don’t end up back in my box, in my comfortable bubble…? What if this time I FLY…and keep flying…

With heartfelt love and gratitude to you all for continuing to be on this journey with me. For your continued love and support.



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