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End Of Year Traditions

As the current year draws to an end, I start thinking about a word that resonates with me and embodies what I want the intention for the next year to be, the energy I want to bring to that year to help me fulfil my dreams.

I’ve been doing this for a number of years now and it works so well. Whenever I feel myself slipping from my path or getting wobbly over things, I remember my word, reconnect with its energy and come back to centre.

For the past 2 years I have felt myself shrink, barely recognising who I was back in 2019 before the world went crazy.

My word for 2023 is E X P A N S I O N! It's time to dust myself off and expand into 2023, taking action on my dreams and goals. I've some exciting things planned and they won't happen if I keep sitting back.

Watch this space...

So now it's your turn... FEEL into 2023… what is the main theme, the overall energy and intention you want it to be? What is YOUR WORD for next year? To help you with this process, I invite you to download my What's My Word prompt:

In conjunction with my Word exercise I also use my Transitions guide, taking mindful time to think about the year that's drawing to a close and what I would like 2023 to encompass...

Here's your FREE copy:


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